"Down the Aisle, in Search of Pulse," A Long House
"A Traveling Pantry," The Plentitudes (Third Place, 2024 Plentitudes Prize in Nonfiction)
"The Sound of a Thing Carrying Doom," Short Reads
"M.D.," Becoming Otondo: An Anthology of NYSC Travels Vol II (ed. Temitayo Olofinlua)
"In the Name of Everything: On Altars, Prayer and Praying," Psaltery & Lyre (nom. Best Spiritual Literature)
"The Sound of a Thing Carrying Doom," DIAGRAM
"What Name Will Your Child be Known to God and to Us?" Portuguese Translation by Olivia Guimarães in Série Caderno de Leituras
"What Name Will Your Child Be Known to God and to Us?" Lolwe, Issue 6
"Remember Me as I Remember You," The Sole Adventurer Contemporary Art Magazine
"Tasting God," The Arkansas International, Issue 11
"Come Out and Play," Agbowó Magazine
"Looking at Pedestrians," The Smart Set
"A Lagos Film Series Recasts a Neighbourhood and Shapes a Writer," Bloomberg CityLab
"Red Wine Pasta," The Forge Literary Magazine (nom. Best of the Net) | Author interview with Valerie Waterhouse
"The Africa We Get," Taxi Drivers Who Drive Us Nowhere and Other Travel Stories, Bakwa Magazine
"A Collective Childhood," New Directions: Five (5) Years of Young Contemporaries (ed. Yinka Elujoba), Rele Gallery